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Covid Safety - 2022

Upon Entering:


· Dancers must ensure that they, or any family members, are not feeling any symptoms of Covid-19.  Symptoms include: Headache, coughing, fatigue, runny nose, fever above 38 degrees celcius, difficulty breathing, sore throat, new onset of muscle pain, diarrhea, loss of sense of taste, loss of sense of smell, purple marks on children's toes or fingers.



· The front doors will be used for entering and exiting the studio


· A hand sanitizing station will be at the entrance and will be used upon entering and exiting the studio




During class:


· Dancers will aim for physically distancing and may wear a mask if they wish






Changes as of March 14, 2022 (as per NB Government)


Wearing of masks will be voluntary and is no longer a requirment. The choice will be up to each dancer and their family.


Proof of vaccination is no longer required to enter the studio space.


 The vision of Rothesay Ballet School is to provide a safe and welcoming environment where students of all ages can experience the joy of dance
while striving towards excellence in technique, creativity and artistry. 

Our qualified teachers deliver exemplary dance education and provide opportunities for students to experience personal growth, self-confidence, social connections, and community involvement.


Our Mission

Pink Smudge


We are a registered Not-For-Profit organization. Help us in our mission to make quality dance possible for all ages!

Little Girl Praying

Make a Wish Come True!
Apply for assistance.




Need a space for your activity?Why not use ours? 
Visit our custom built studios
@ 63 Marr Road, Rothesay, NB
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